Uncle Mo

A couple of things have been weighing heavily (pun intended) on my mind recently.

First, Dorian and Imelda have highlighted the need for good work in this world. There is suffering, destruction, and unexpected loss, and the church should be at the forefront of those efforts. To that end, we’ve donated to The Bahamian relief cause through Feed My Starving Children, and we’ll be volunteering our time at a packing site in October. Declan will be old enough to join me. I’ll probably cry.

Secondly, my job is kind of stressful. Good stress, with lots happening in very exciting ways, but stressful nonetheless. I’ve let my health go, and while I’m not unhappy, I know things could be better. My issue in the past has always been motivation–I lost weight for Jenna’s wedding, I gained it back, I lost a bit before Declan, gained it back, rinse and repeat. So this time I’ve decided to put my money where my mouth is.

My birthday is February 19th–5 months from tomorrow. From now until then (and hopefully after then, although see the rinse and repeat problem above) I’m going to try my hardest to get myself in shape. I’m rocking the largest scale number I’ve ever had–a whopping 275 pounds. Utterly ridiculous. I want it gone. So here’s where I’d like your help:

Feed kids with my weight loss.

Pledge, through a text or a direct message or whatever, to donate to Feed My Starving Children for every pound I lose between now and 2/19/20. It could be a dime, it could be a dollar, it could be more…hopefully the more pledges I get, the more I’ll have that motivation to shed the poundage. And here’s my skin in the game (beyond my health): I’ll match donations up to $500. So if I lose 25 pounds, and I manage to get $20 per pound in pledges, FMSC gets $1000. That’s 4,167 meals for those in need…over 4,000 kids who don’t have to go to bed hungry for once.

So help me. Motivate me to keep the calories out of my mouth and put them into the mouths of those in need. Everyone wins.

Thanks, and here we go!